English Presentation

“Asinus Novus” is an antispeciecist project, which takes its name from this book and comes from a common idea of Marco Maurizi and Leonardo Caffo. It is a space for discussion strongly wanted by a research team composed of journalists, researchers, activists, writers, etc.. Born as blog with the classical structure of the online portal, it became a Journal in May 2012 recognized by the Italian Minister of Culture [ISSN 2240-7367], supported by the conviction that we need to look elsewhere to find a way that is not imaginary. And this elsewhere, very humbly, we believe is antispecism. Asinus Novus is today a reference point for research, activism and discussions around Animal Studies in Italy. This understanding  resulted in a scholarly journal edited by the research group called Animal Studies: rivista italiana di antispecismo, published quarterly by the scientific editor Novalogos. Asinus Novus collaborates with universities, associations, publishers, cultural and research centers for the dissemination of various projects and activities of the group. The intention of Asinus Novus is to realize projects linked to antispeciecist activism. The intention of Animal Studies is to stimulate the antispeciecist philosophy and the philosophy of animality. Both are united by the commitment to encourage interactions in the two areas, unavoidable for the antispecism strictu sensu. Antispecism teaches us that we must look where humans, all humans, casts their shadow of indifference and death. Only the perspective of the animal still seems to be able to give us the idea that there is a further dimension, also for us who do not want to look beyond ourselves.

‘Asinus Novus’ is a cultural project and research created to listen to the voice of everybody, without cultural prejudices: it is a free project, and  a libertarian one. The project has a double nature: scientific and popular, alternating contributions which have a more blog / literature-like nature (in an online form as Asinus Novus) as well as scientific and technical articles (in a paper form as Animal Studies). Communications of any kind should be sent to the authors, if you are interested the content of posts or articles; if you are interested in more information, feel free to contact the curators of the project. The e-mail (asinusnovus@gmail.com) should be used to send contributions which will then be evaluated for online publication. The data relative to the academic journal can be found on the website. Through participation in the project by Maria Giovanna Devetag , Asinus Novus works closely with television Liberi.tv web and through speeches, interviews and media coverage it is dedicated to the diffusion of the antispeciecist culture and Animal Studies.

We carry out, individually and collectively, some academic publications on these and other topics. Each new release is reported on the site.

Why are we called Asinus Novus?

  1. Because we liked the idea of a revolution, Walter Benjamin shall forgive us!, which starts from a donkey and not by an angel;
  2. Because a first group of writers, philosophers, and journalists felt the need to express themselves in a new way, finding their strength in dialogue and direct communication, which the Internet helps us do  in contemporary research;
  3. Because the current situation is that each antispecist a is “limited”  to his or her specific  role and field: activist, philosopher, journalist, liberationist … Differently, the group Asinus has felt the need of a complete antispecism;
  4. Because each of us, regardless of metaphors, is an ass really: kicked, exploited for profit, which is not his own, forced to deformity byviolence. Because capitalism, cultural and social, makes us all donkeys, pigs, flies, slaughtered and oppressed by the burden of a life that slowly fades away.

Styles of behavior for the blog

  1. Feel free to comment on any post. Vulgarity, insults and unfounded allegations will be deleted;
  2. To submit an article as an answer to other aticles you must write to the author to whom you want to respond;
  3. Each email will receive prompt reply.

How ‘Asinus Novus’ works

The blog Asinus Novus is collective and horizontal: every collaborator / author has personal access to the dashboard that allows you to publish independently what you  thinkwith no filters of any kind: the staff  does not function as an editor and each author is responsible for what is written. The journal Animal Studies is a project inside Asinus Novus but it has a function and a different nature, being related to the world of research and universities (for further information please read the website)

Technical information.

  • We use WordPress
  • The magazine Asinus Novus is duly registered with ISSN 2240-7367 online.

Aims of the project
The online magazine, which will ideally come out every month, alternates contributions  which sometimes are very complex, but with a unique specificity in the vast panorama of magazines activism and philosophy: everything can be immediately commented on so that the debate which is often too slow, and the fear of illegitimate interacts with “the other.”, can be overcome. Wikipedia defines Asinus Novus “a point of reference for the Italian antispeciecist debate.”

Creative Commons
All contents Asinus Novus are licensed under creative commons 3.0. Anyone can use, distribute and also tailor the content of the blog for non-commercial purposes, but is obliged to quote the source.

How to quote?
P. Singer, “Animals free free”, in Asinus Novus, VI: October 2013. Available online: blabla.wordpress.com / singer